
Currently bound framebuffers

A specialization of BoundObjOps allows to operate on the currently bound framebuffer without the need to explicitly specify the framebuffer target in every function call.

#include <oglplus/bound/framebuffer.hpp>

Operations on currently bound framebuffer

template <>
class BoundObjOps<tag::Framebuffer>
	typedef typename ObjectOps<tag::ExplicitSel, tag::Framebuffer> ExplicitOps;
	typedef typename ExplicitOps::Target Target;

	Target target;


	BoundObjOps(Target init_tgt);
	FramebufferStatus Status(void) const;

	bool IsComplete(void) const;

	const BoundObjOps& HandleIncompleteError(
		FramebufferStatus status
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& Complete(void) const;

	const BoundObjOps& AttachRenderbuffer(
		ExplicitOps::Property::Attachment attachment,
		RenderbufferName renderbuffer
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& AttachColorRenderbuffer(
		FramebufferColorAttachmentNumber attachment_no,
		RenderbufferName renderbuffer
	) const;

#if GL_VERSION_3_2
	const BoundObjOps& AttachTexture(
		ExplicitOps::Property::Attachment attachment,
		TextureName texture,
		GLint level
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& AttachColorTexture(
		FramebufferColorAttachmentNumber attachment_no,
		TextureName texture,
		GLint level
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& AttachTexture1D(
		ExplicitOps::Property::Attachment attachment,
		TextureTarget textarget,
		TextureName texture,
		GLint level
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& AttachTexture2D(
		ExplicitOps::Property::Attachment attachment,
		TextureTarget textarget,
		TextureName texture,
		GLint level
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& AttachTexture3D(
		ExplicitOps::Property::Attachment attachment,
		TextureTarget textarget,
		TextureName texture,
		GLint level,
		GLint layer
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& AttachTextureLayer(
		ExplicitOps::Property::Attachment attachment,
		TextureName texture,
		GLint level,
		GLint layer
	) const;

#if GL_VERSION_4_3 || GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata
	const BoundObjOps& Invalidate(
		const EnumArray< ExplicitOps::Property::Buffer > & buffers
	) const;

#if GL_VERSION_4_3 || GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata
	const BoundObjOps& Invalidate(
		SizeType count,
		const ExplicitOps::Property::Buffer * buffers
	) const;

#if GL_VERSION_4_3 || GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata
	const BoundObjOps& Invalidate(
		const EnumArray< ExplicitOps::Property::Buffer > & buffers,
		GLint x,
		GLint y,
		SizeType width,
		SizeType height
	) const;

#if GL_VERSION_4_3 || GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata
	const BoundObjOps& Invalidate(
		SizeType count,
		const ExplicitOps::Property::Buffer * buffers,
		GLint x,
		GLint y,
		SizeType width,
		SizeType height
	) const;

