
Currently bound textures

A specialization of BoundObjOps allows to operate on the currently bound texture without the need to explicitly specify the texture target in every function call.

#include <oglplus/bound/texture.hpp>

Operations on currently bound texture

template <>
class BoundObjOps<tag::Texture>
	typedef typename ObjectOps<tag::ExplicitSel, tag::Texture> ExplicitOps;
	typedef typename ExplicitOps::Target Target;

	Target target;


	BoundObjOps(Target init_tgt);
	GLint GetIntParam(
		GLenum query
	) const;

	GLfloat GetFloatParam(
		GLenum query
	) const;

	GLint GetIntParam(
		GLint level,
		GLenum query
	) const;

	GLfloat GetFloatParam(
		GLint level,
		GLenum query
	) const;

	SizeType Width(
		GLint level = 0
	) const;

	SizeType Height(
		GLint level = 0
	) const;

	SizeType Depth(
		GLint level = 0
	) const;

	PixelDataType RedType(
		GLint level = 0
	) const;

	PixelDataType GreenType(
		GLint level = 0
	) const;

	PixelDataType BlueType(
		GLint level = 0
	) const;

	PixelDataType AlphaType(
		GLint level = 0
	) const;

	PixelDataType DepthType(
		GLint level = 0
	) const;

	SizeType RedSize(
		GLint level = 0
	) const;

	SizeType GreenSize(
		GLint level = 0
	) const;

	SizeType BlueSize(
		GLint level = 0
	) const;

	SizeType AlphaSize(
		GLint level = 0
	) const;

	SizeType DepthSize(
		GLint level = 0
	) const;

	SizeType StencilSize(
		GLint level = 0
	) const;

	SizeType SharedSize(
		GLint level = 0
	) const;

	SizeType CompressedImageSize(
		GLint level = 0
	) const;

	PixelDataInternalFormat InternalFormat(
		GLint level = 0
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& GetImage(
		GLint level,
		PixelDataFormat format,
		const OutputData & dest
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& GetImage(
		GLint level,
		PixelDataFormat format,
		ExplicitOps::Property::PixDataType type,
		SizeType size,
		GLvoid * buffer
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& GetCompressedImage(
		GLint level,
		const OutputData & dest
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& GetCompressedImage(
		GLint level,
		SizeType size,
		GLubyte * buffer
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& GetCompressedImage(
		GLint level,
		std::vector< GLubyte > & dest
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& Image3D(
		GLint level,
		PixelDataInternalFormat internal_format,
		SizeType width,
		SizeType height,
		SizeType depth,
		GLint border,
		PixelDataFormat format,
		ExplicitOps::Property::PixDataType type,
		const void * data
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& Image3D(
		const images::Image & image,
		GLint level = 0,
		GLint border = 0
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& SubImage3D(
		GLint level,
		GLint xoffs,
		GLint yoffs,
		GLint zoffs,
		SizeType width,
		SizeType height,
		SizeType depth,
		PixelDataFormat format,
		ExplicitOps::Property::PixDataType type,
		const void * data
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& SubImage3D(
		const images::Image & image,
		GLint xoffs,
		GLint yoffs,
		GLint zoffs,
		GLint level = 0
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& Image2D(
		GLint level,
		PixelDataInternalFormat internal_format,
		SizeType width,
		SizeType height,
		GLint border,
		PixelDataFormat format,
		ExplicitOps::Property::PixDataType type,
		const void * data
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& Image2D(
		const images::Image & image,
		GLint level = 0,
		GLint border = 0
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& SubImage2D(
		GLint level,
		GLint xoffs,
		GLint yoffs,
		SizeType width,
		SizeType height,
		PixelDataFormat format,
		ExplicitOps::Property::PixDataType type,
		const void * data
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& SubImage2D(
		const images::Image & image,
		GLint xoffs,
		GLint yoffs,
		GLint level = 0
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& Image1D(
		GLint level,
		PixelDataInternalFormat internal_format,
		SizeType width,
		GLint border,
		PixelDataFormat format,
		ExplicitOps::Property::PixDataType type,
		const void * data
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& Image1D(
		const images::Image & image,
		GLint level = 0,
		GLint border = 0
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& SubImage1D(
		GLint level,
		GLint xoffs,
		SizeType width,
		PixelDataFormat format,
		ExplicitOps::Property::PixDataType type,
		const void * data
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& SubImage1D(
		const images::Image & image,
		GLint xoffs,
		GLint level = 0
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& Image(
		const images::Image & image,
		GLint level = 0,
		GLint border = 0
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& Image(
		const images::ImageSpec & image_spec,
		GLint level = 0,
		GLint border = 0
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& CopyImage2D(
		GLint level,
		PixelDataInternalFormat internal_format,
		GLint x,
		GLint y,
		SizeType width,
		SizeType height,
		GLint border
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& CopyImage1D(
		GLint level,
		PixelDataInternalFormat internal_format,
		GLint x,
		GLint y,
		SizeType width,
		GLint border
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& CopySubImage3D(
		GLint level,
		GLint xoffs,
		GLint yoffs,
		GLint zoffs,
		GLint x,
		GLint y,
		SizeType width,
		SizeType height
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& CopySubImage2D(
		GLint level,
		GLint xoffs,
		GLint yoffs,
		GLint x,
		GLint y,
		SizeType width,
		SizeType height
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& CopySubImage1D(
		GLint level,
		GLint xoffs,
		GLint x,
		GLint y,
		SizeType width
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& CompressedImage3D(
		GLint level,
		PixelDataInternalFormat internal_format,
		SizeType width,
		SizeType height,
		SizeType depth,
		GLint border,
		SizeType image_size,
		const void * data
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& CompressedImage2D(
		GLint level,
		PixelDataInternalFormat internal_format,
		SizeType width,
		SizeType height,
		GLint border,
		SizeType image_size,
		const void * data
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& CompressedImage1D(
		GLint level,
		PixelDataInternalFormat internal_format,
		SizeType width,
		GLint border,
		SizeType image_size,
		const void * data
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& CompressedSubImage3D(
		GLint level,
		GLint xoffs,
		GLint yoffs,
		GLint zoffs,
		SizeType width,
		SizeType height,
		SizeType depth,
		PixelDataFormat format,
		SizeType image_size,
		const void * data
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& CompressedSubImage2D(
		GLint level,
		GLint xoffs,
		GLint yoffs,
		SizeType width,
		SizeType height,
		PixelDataFormat format,
		SizeType image_size,
		const void * data
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& CompressedSubImage1D(
		GLint level,
		GLint xoffs,
		SizeType width,
		PixelDataFormat format,
		SizeType image_size,
		const void * data
	) const;

#if GL_VERSION_3_2 || GL_ARB_texture_multisample
	const BoundObjOps& Image3DMultisample(
		SizeType samples,
		PixelDataInternalFormat internal_format,
		SizeType width,
		SizeType height,
		SizeType depth,
		Boolean fixed_sample_locations
	) const;

#if GL_VERSION_3_2 || GL_ARB_texture_multisample
	const BoundObjOps& Image2DMultisample(
		SizeType samples,
		PixelDataInternalFormat internal_format,
		SizeType width,
		SizeType height,
		Boolean fixed_sample_locations
	) const;

#if GL_VERSION_3_1
	const BoundObjOps& Buffer(
		PixelDataInternalFormat internal_format,
		BufferName buffer
	) const;

#if GL_VERSION_4_3
	const BoundObjOps& BufferRange(
		PixelDataInternalFormat internal_format,
		BufferName buffer,
		GLintptr offset,
		BigSizeType size
	) const;

#if GL_VERSION_4_2 || GL_ARB_texture_storage
	const BoundObjOps& Storage1D(
		SizeType levels,
		PixelDataInternalFormat internal_format,
		SizeType width
	) const;

#if GL_VERSION_4_2 || GL_ARB_texture_storage
	const BoundObjOps& Storage2D(
		SizeType levels,
		PixelDataInternalFormat internal_format,
		SizeType width,
		SizeType height
	) const;

#if GL_VERSION_4_2 || GL_ARB_texture_storage
	const BoundObjOps& Storage3D(
		SizeType levels,
		PixelDataInternalFormat internal_format,
		SizeType width,
		SizeType height,
		SizeType depth
	) const;

	GLuint BaseLevel(void) const;

	const BoundObjOps& BaseLevel(
		GLint level
	) const;

	Vector< GLfloat, 4 > BorderColor(
		TypeTag< GLfloat >
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& BorderColor(
		Vector< GLfloat, 4 > color
	) const;

	Vector< GLint, 4 > BorderColor(
		TypeTag< GLint >
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& BorderColor(
		Vector< GLint, 4 > color
	) const;

	Vector< GLuint, 4 > BorderColor(
		TypeTag< GLuint >
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& BorderColor(
		Vector< GLuint, 4 > color
	) const;

	TextureCompareMode CompareMode(void) const;

	const BoundObjOps& CompareMode(
		TextureCompareMode mode
	) const;

	CompareFunction CompareFunc(void) const;

	const BoundObjOps& CompareFunc(
		CompareFunction func
	) const;

	GLfloat LODBias(void) const;

	const BoundObjOps& LODBias(
		GLfloat value
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& Filter(
		TextureFilter filter
	) const;

	TextureMagFilter MagFilter(void) const;

	const BoundObjOps& MagFilter(
		TextureMagFilter filter
	) const;

	TextureMinFilter MinFilter(void) const;

	const BoundObjOps& MinFilter(
		TextureMinFilter filter
	) const;

	GLfloat MinLOD(void) const;

	const BoundObjOps& MinLOD(
		GLfloat value
	) const;

	GLfloat MaxLOD(void) const;

	const BoundObjOps& MaxLOD(
		GLfloat value
	) const;

	GLint MaxLevel(void) const;

	const BoundObjOps& MaxLevel(
		GLint value
	) const;

	GLfloat MaxAnisotropy(void) const;

	GLfloat Anisotropy(void) const;

	const BoundObjOps& Anisotropy(
		GLfloat value
	) const;

#if GL_VERSION_3_3 || GL_ARB_texture_swizzle
	TextureSwizzle Swizzle(
		TextureSwizzleCoord coord
	) const;

#if GL_VERSION_3_3 || GL_ARB_texture_swizzle
	const BoundObjOps& Swizzle(
		TextureSwizzleCoord coord,
		TextureSwizzle mode
	) const;

#if GL_VERSION_3_3 || GL_ARB_texture_swizzle
	TextureSwizzle SwizzleR(void) const;

#if GL_VERSION_3_3 || GL_ARB_texture_swizzle
	const BoundObjOps& SwizzleR(
		TextureSwizzle mode
	) const;

#if GL_VERSION_3_3 || GL_ARB_texture_swizzle
	TextureSwizzle SwizzleG(void) const;

#if GL_VERSION_3_3 || GL_ARB_texture_swizzle
	const BoundObjOps& SwizzleG(
		TextureSwizzle mode
	) const;

#if GL_VERSION_3_3 || GL_ARB_texture_swizzle
	TextureSwizzle SwizzleB(void) const;

#if GL_VERSION_3_3 || GL_ARB_texture_swizzle
	const BoundObjOps& SwizzleB(
		TextureSwizzle mode
	) const;

#if GL_VERSION_3_3 || GL_ARB_texture_swizzle
	TextureSwizzle SwizzleA(void) const;

#if GL_VERSION_3_3 || GL_ARB_texture_swizzle
	const BoundObjOps& SwizzleA(
		TextureSwizzle mode
	) const;

#if GL_VERSION_3_3 || GL_ARB_texture_swizzle
	TextureSwizzleTuple SwizzleRGBA(void) const;

#if GL_VERSION_3_3 || GL_ARB_texture_swizzle
	const BoundObjOps& SwizzleRGBA(
		TextureSwizzle mode
	) const;

#if GL_VERSION_3_3 || GL_ARB_texture_swizzle
	const BoundObjOps& SwizzleRGBA(
		TextureSwizzle mode_r,
		TextureSwizzle mode_g,
		TextureSwizzle mode_b,
		TextureSwizzle mode_a
	) const;

#if GL_VERSION_3_3 || GL_ARB_texture_swizzle
	const BoundObjOps& SwizzleRGBA(
		const TextureSwizzleTuple & modes
	) const;

	TextureWrap Wrap(
		TextureWrapCoord coord
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& Wrap(
		TextureWrapCoord coord,
		TextureWrap mode
	) const;

	TextureWrap WrapS(void) const;

	const BoundObjOps& WrapS(
		TextureWrap mode
	) const;

	TextureWrap WrapT(void) const;

	const BoundObjOps& WrapT(
		TextureWrap mode
	) const;

	TextureWrap WrapR(void) const;

	const BoundObjOps& WrapR(
		TextureWrap mode
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& Wrap(
		TextureWrap mode
	) const;

#if GL_VERSION_4_3
	PixelDataFormat DepthStencilMode(void) const;

#if GL_VERSION_4_3
	const BoundObjOps& DepthStencilMode(
		PixelDataFormat mode
	) const;

#if GL_ARB_seamless_cubemap_per_texture
	Boolean Seamless(void) const;

#if GL_ARB_seamless_cubemap_per_texture
	const BoundObjOps& Seamless(
		Boolean enable
	) const;

	const BoundObjOps& GenerateMipmap(void) const;


Examples of usage

Typical setup of a 2D texture

This code snippet shows a typical setup for a 2D texture using the BoundObjOps wrapper. See also the traditional way to setup textures.

using namespace oglplus;

Texture tex; 1

TextureUnitSelector tex_unit = /* ... */; 2
Texture::Active(tex_unit); 3

TextureTarget tex_tgt = Texture::Target::_2D; 4
tex.Bind(tex_tgt); 5

std::vector<GLubyte> image = /* ... */; 6
GLsizei width = /* ... */, height = /* ... */;

Context gl;
gl.Bound<Texture>(tex_tgt, tex) 7
		width, height,
		PixelDataType::UnsignedByte, 8


Create a texture object.


Choose a texture unit for the texture.


Make the texture unit current (active).


Choose binding point for the texture.


Bind the texture object to the texture target.


Obtain the texture image data.


Use the wrapper for GL context to create a reference to BoundObjOps<Texture> and use it to setup the texture parameters and image. Many member functions of the returned class return a reference to itself which allows to conveniently chain the calls to several functions, as seen here.


The buffer pointed-to by this parameter must hold enough data to be consumed, depending on the width, height, data type and other parameters. Optionally this pointer can be null, which causes a texture with blank image to be created.
